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Do you have a history of heart problems?

This clinical research study is looking at the safety and effectiveness of an investigational medication option for people to prevent cardiovascular (related to the heart and blood vessels) events in participants with established cardiovascular disease (CVD).


Would you like to take part?

As a volunteer in a research study, you’ll receive personal, study-related medical care and regular follow-up on your health. The results of this research will be used to find out if the experimental medication will be of benefit to others with CVD, and whether it will be made available across the country. Study volunteers are an important part of moving medical care forward.


You may qualify to participate in this study if you:

  • Are male or female, 40 years of age or older (inclusive)

  • Take a daily medication to lower your bad cholesterol

  • Have experienced any of the following:

    1. Spontaneous heart attack

    2. Stroke not caused by a hemorrhage 

    3. Symptomatic peripheral arterial disease (PAD) 


You may not qualify to participate if you:​​​

  • Have severe heart failure

  • Currently have any severe non-cardiovascular disease that is expected to reduce life expectancy to less than 5 years

  • Have history of malignancy that required surgery radiation therapy and/or systemic therapy within the last 3 years


There are other eligibility requirements that the study team will review. Only the study staff can confirm whether you are eligible to participate in the study or not.


If you are interested and/or would like to learn more, please email, or call one of our study coordinators: Ashley at 905-640-3100 ext. 303, or Veronica at 905-640-3100 ext. 302.

Contact Us: 

If you are interested in participating in an ongoing clinical trial please contact our clinic and you will be connected with a Study Coordinator. 
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